EUにおける家庭向け電気・ガス料金 〜 2017年下半期は前年同期比▲0.2%・▲0.5%

5月30日付け eurostat newsrelease によると、欧州連合(EU ;European Union)における2017年下半期の家庭向け電気・ガス料金は前年同期比▲0.2%・▲0.5%だった。


2018.5.30 eurostat newsrelease

① EUにおける2017年下半期の家庭向け電気料金は、前年同期比で、わずかだがEU平均で100kWh当たり0.2%減の20.5€(ユーロ)低下。ブルガリアでは同10€以下、デンマークとドイツでは同30€以上であった。

② 家庭向けガス料金は、2017年下半期でEU平均で前年同期比0.5%減で、100kWh当たり6.3€減。ルーマニアでは100kWh当たり約3€、デンマークでは同約9€、スウェーデンでは同11€以上であった。

③ EUにおいて、家庭向け電気・ガス料金に課せられる税金・賦課金は、2017年下半期では、電気料金の1/3超(40%)・ガス料金の約1/4(27%)を占めている。

Household electricity prices in the European Union (EU) slightly decreased (-0.2%) on average, between the second half of 2016 and the second half of 2017, to stand at €20.5 per 100 kWh. Across the EU Member States, household electricity prices in the second half of 2017 ranged from below €10 per 100 kWh in Bulgaria to more than €30 per 100 kWh in Denmark and Germany.

Household gas prices fell by 0.5% on average in the EU between the second halves of 2016 and 2017 to stand at €6.3 per 100 kWh. Among Member States, household gas prices in the second half of 2017 ranged from around €3 per 100 kWh in Romania to almost €9 per 100 kWh in Denmark and more than €11 per 100 kWh in Sweden.

Taxes and levies in the EU made up on average over a third (40%) of the electricity price charged to households in the second half of 2017, and about a quarter (27%) of the gas price.




The share of taxes and levies in total household electricity prices varied significantly between Member States, ranging from two-thirds in Denmark (69% of household electricity price is made up of taxes and levies) and over half in Germany (55%) and Portugal (52%) to 5% in Malta in the second half of 2017. On average in the EU, taxes and levies accounted for more than a third (40%) of household electricity prices.

2018.5.30 eurostat newsrelease

2018.5.30 eurostat newsrelease



In the second half of 2017, taxes and levies made up the largest contribution to the price of gas for households in Denmark (56% of household gas price) and the Netherlands (51%). They were followed by Sweden (45%) and Romania (43%). At the opposite end of the scale, the smallest contributions were registered in the United Kingdom (9%) and Luxembourg (10%), ahead of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (all 17%). At EU level, taxes and levies accounted on average for about a quarter (27%) of household gas prices in the second half of 2017.

2018.5.30 eurostat newsrelease

2018.5.30 eurostat newsrelease

(社会保障経済研究所 代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa