世界の再エネ電源の順位:水力71% ≫ 風力15% > バイオマス8% > 太陽光5% > 地熱1%

国際再生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA : International Renewable Energy Agency)が7月に発表した “Renewable energy highlights(1 July 2017)” によると、2015年の再生可能エネルギー発電量は全体で5512TWhとなり、内訳は水力71%(3893TWh)、風力15%(826TWh)、バイオマス8%(456TWh)、太陽光5%(256TWh)、地熱1%(81TWh)の順。

In 2015, the total amount of electricity generated from renewables was 5512TWh. Hydro accounted for about 70% of this (3893 TWh), followed by wind (826TWh), bioenergy (456TWh), solar energy (256TWh), geothermal energy (81TWh) and marine energy (1TWh).

Figure1 : Renewable electricity generation by energy source


Renewable electricity generation in 2015 was 191TWh higher than in 2014, an increase of 3.5%. Generation increased relatively slowly compared to previous years, largely due to a slight decline in hydropower generation and more subdued growth in solar generation. However, 2015 was a good year for wind energy generation, which increased by 110TWh or 15%.

Figure2 : Growth in renewable electricity generation


Asia accounted for most of the growth in renewable electricity generation in 2015, with an increase of 156TWh compared to 2014. Asia’s share of global generation also increased to 37%. Europe and North America each accounted for about 20% of global generation, followed by South America (13%) and Eurasia (5%).

Figure3 : Renewable electricity generation by region



(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa