国際エネルギー機関(IEA ; International Energy Agency)が4月19日に発表した “Statistics: Key electricity trends 2016” によると、2016年におけるOECD諸国に関する電源構成などは、次の(1)〜(3)の通り。
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2017.4.19 IEA “Statistics: Key electricity trends 2016”
○ 欧州では、「化石燃料等」は47%、「原子力・再エネ」は53%
○ 米州では、「化石燃料等」は61%、「原子力・再エネ」は39%
○ アジア・オセアニアでは、「化石燃料等」は78%、「原子力・再エネ」は22%
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2017.4.19 IEA “Statistics: Key electricity trends 2016”
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2017.4.19 IEA “Statistics: Key electricity trends 2016”
Total OECD cumulative production of nuclear electricity in 2016 was 1873.6TWh, 2.7TWh, or 0.1% lower than in 2015. Europe was the only region which decreased its nuclear production, by 19.6TWh, or 2.4%, to 790TWh led by the continued phase out of nuclear electricity in Germany as well as decreases in the Czech Republic and France caused by extended outages. There were also operational outages in Slovenia and Switzerland.
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2017.4.19 IEA “Statistics: Key electricity trends 2016”
Total OECD production of hydroelectricity in 2016 was 1451.6TWh, which was 30.7TWh, or 2.2%, higher than in 2015, and increased in each OECD region. From 2000 to 2015, Hydro production has only grown 0.8% because most of the available potential in OECD countries is already utilised. The increase in Hydro for 2016 was predominately a result of higher rainfall in many countries, especially in Canada, the United States and Norway, the top three Hydro producers in the OECD. These increases compensated for significant drops of Hydro production in Finland and Sweden.
Total OECD production of electricity from Geothermal, Solar, Wind and Other renewables was 873.9TWh in 2016, which was 75.6TWh, or 8.4%, higher than in 2015, with increases seen in all OECD regions. Europe had the smallest increase in this category of 1.9TWh, or 0.4%. In Asia/Oceania, there was an increase of 9.6TWh, or 12.6%. The Americas rose the most with 64.1TWh, or 22.5%, driven by increases in U.S. Solar and Wind of 45% and 19%, respectively.
The European trend contrasts with last year, when Europe showed the highest increases of all of the OECD regions. Solar and Wind dominate, producing roughly 25% and 70%, respectively, of the electricity in this category for Europe and whilst it was a good year for European Solar production, which increased 4337TWh, or 4%, Wind production fell 1%. Germany, which produced roughly 28% of the European Solar and Wind for 2016, had decreases of 1% and 7%, respectively, due to weather conditions. With the aforementioned phase-out of Nuclear, this necessitated an increase in Combustible Fuels.
(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa)