10月26日の米国EIA(Energy Information Administration;エネルギー情報局)の発表では、米国の風力発電の動向に関して、次のようなデータ等が示されている。
At the national level, wind's share of total U.S. electricity generation has risen every year since 2001. Wind facilities produced 190,927 gigawatthours (GWh) of electricity in 2015, accounting for 4.7% of net U.S. electric power generation. This level represents a doubling of wind's generation share since 2010, when the share was 2.3%. Based on monthly data through July, wind has provided 5.6% of U.S. generation in 2016.
2016.10.26 EIA
In 2015, 11 states generated at least 10% of their total electricity from wind. As recently as 2010, only three states had at least a 10% wind share. Iowa had the largest wind generation share, at 31.3%, and South Dakota (25.5%) and Kansas (23.9%) had wind generation shares higher than 20%.
2016.10.26 EIA
States with the highest wind generation shares are located in the Central High Plains and the Rocky Mountains, regions that have high wind resources.
2016.10.26 EIA
(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa)