8月24日の eurostat の発表では、EU28ヶ国全体の電力事情について、主に次のような内容の報告がなされた。
Gross electricity production in the EU-28 increased from 2595TWh in 1990 to its peak of 3387TWh in 2008. In 2014 the gross electricity production continued the downward trend that started in 2010 and reached 3191TWh, which is a 5.8% decrease compared with the 2008 peak value. In 2014 renewable energy sources were the highest contributor to electricity production, surpassing solid fossil fuels (coal) and nuclear energy. Since 1990 the electricity generation from renewable energy sources nearly tripled. Compared to 5 years ago electricity production from renewable sources increased by 48%.
The highest share of electricity in 2014 was produced in power plants using renewable energy sources (28.2 %), followed by nuclear power plants (27.5 %) and coal fired power plants (25.3 %).
In 2014 the biggest net importers of electricity were Italy, the United Kingdom and Finland, while France, Germany and the Czech Republic were the biggest net exporters of electricity.
EU28 Gross electricity production by fuel(GWh)
2016.8.24 eurostat
EU28 Gross electricity production by fuel(GWh)
2016.8.24 eurostat
(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa)