今月17日の米国EIA(Energy Information Administration;エネルギー情報局)の発表では、米国においては、ここ10年での天然ガス消費増と石炭消費減が相俟って、天然ガス由来CO2排出量が石炭由来CO2排出量を超え始めるとの予測が出された。
Energy-associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from natural gas are expected to surpass those from coal for the first time since 1972. Even though natural gas is less carbon-intensive than coal, increases in natural gas consumption and decreases in coal consumption in the past decade have resulted in natural gas-related CO2 emissions surpassing those from coal. EIA's latest Short-Term Energy Outlook projects energy-related CO2 emissions from natural gas to be 10% greater than those from coal in 2016.
(出所:2016.8.17 EIA )
Coal is more carbon-intensive than natural gas. The consumption of natural gas results in about 52 million metric tons of CO2 for every quadrillion British thermal units (MMmtCO2/quad Btu), while coal's carbon intensity is about 95 MMmtCO2/quad Btu, or about 82% higher than natural gas's carbon intensity.
(出所:2016.8.17 EIA )
ここ10年での米国のエネルギー消費構造の全体的推移を見ると、化石燃料消費構造面での低炭素化に加えて、原子力と再生可能エネルギーの需要増により、2005年(60 MMmtCO2/quad Btu)→2015年(54 MMmtCO2/quad Btu)と、CO2排出原単位は10%低下した計算になる。
Another contributing factor to lower carbon intensity is increased consumption of fuels that produce no carbon dioxide, such as nuclear-powered electricity and renewable energy. As these fuels make up a larger share of U.S. energy consumption, the U.S. average carbon intensity declines. Although use of natural gas and petroleum have increased in recent years, the decline in coal consumption and increase in nonfossil fuel consumption have lowered U.S. total carbon intensity from 60 MMmtCO2/quad Btu in 2005 to 54 MMmtCO2/quad Btu in 2015.
(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa)