石炭による「早死」に苦しむ欧州 〜 ドイツでは原子力減少で石炭増加に・・・

今月5日付けの EurActivでは、再生可能エネルギーへの転換が大歓迎されているドイツは、EU諸国の中で石炭火力発電所による公害で、より多くの人々が早死していることに苦しんでいる旨を報じている。

《原文より抜粋》 Germany – home to the much-hailed ‘Energiewende’ green revolution – suffered more premature deaths linked to coal plant pollution than any other EU member state, research by health and environment campaigners has found.






Analysis of 257 of 280 coal-fired power plants in the EU found that their 2013 emissions caused over 22,900 deaths, tens of thousands of illnesses from heart disease to bronchitis, and up to €62.3 billion in health costs.

3,630 people in Germany died from coal-related illnesses in 2013, according to the report by the Health and Environment Alliance, Climate Action Network Europe, WWF European Policy Office and Sandbag.

1,860 deaths were traced to coal plants in Germany, which is moving to a low-carbon energy system. The Energiewende (energy switch-over) will require the retirement of most, if not, all coal powered generation in Germany.

The remaining 1,770 premature deaths were traced to pollution caused by coal plants in other EU countries. Polish pollution claimed 630 of those lives, the research claims.

Germany buys cheap coal-fired energy from Poland to pick up the slack left by the abandonment of nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster. 



因みに、上記の根拠を示した報告書 ‘ EUROPE'S DARK CLOUD ’ によると、EU諸国での石炭火力発電所に由来する早死者数は次の通り。ポーランド、ドイツ、イギリス、ルーマニアの順に被害が大きいようだ。


(NPO法人社会保障経済研究所代表 石川 和男 Twitter@kazuo_ishikawa